For Akanda Aishwaryam (Vast fortune), one should ............
A person who is desirous of earning a vast fortune through legal, ethical and straight forward means should worship Lord Shiva under a Bilva tree and perform homam, poojas and meditation. In addition they can also recite Bilvashtagam 108 times and also light a Ghee Lamp with 5 cotton wicks under the Bilva tree. The pooja methods, protocol and other requirements can be known from a learned vedic scholar.
Let the supreme lord’s blessings bring abundant fruits of peace, health, wealth, prosperity, serenity, divinity and spirituality for you and your family..
A person who is desirous of earning a vast fortune through legal, ethical and straight forward means should worship Lord Shiva under a Bilva tree and perform homam, poojas and meditation. In addition they can also recite Bilvashtagam 108 times and also light a Ghee Lamp with 5 cotton wicks under the Bilva tree. The pooja methods, protocol and other requirements can be known from a learned vedic scholar.
Let the supreme lord’s blessings bring abundant fruits of peace, health, wealth, prosperity, serenity, divinity and spirituality for you and your family..