Saturday, December 15, 2012

To get relief from chronic diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, kidney problems, obesity and high cholesterol and ensure good health, one should ................

A person who is desirous of getting relief from chronic diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, kidney problems, obesity and high cholesterol and ensure good health for the rest of their lives, should get up at Brahma Muhurtham (between 4.00AM and 6.00AM) and perform the following sequence of activities. 

(1) Wakeup and face the eastern direction and have Kara Darshan (Kara Darshan is a procedure where a person on waking up immediately looks at both his palms which should be joined together).
(2) Chant Om Gam Ganapathaye Namah 108 times
(3) Face the rising sun and chant Om Sri Baskaraya Namah 18 times.
(4) Chant Gayatri mantra 108 times.

This will ensure you are in good health

Let the supreme lord’s blessings bring abundant fruits of peace, health, wealth, prosperity, serenity, divinity and spirituality for you and your family.

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