Tuesday, October 30, 2012

To ensure your ancestors, pitrus are reaching an exalted position and to remove pitru doshas and pitru shapas, you should ............

If a person wants to ensure that his/her pitrus reach the abode of God and to ensure they reach an exalted position in the pitru lokas, they should take bath in Holy River Cauveri at Mayiladuthurai, at the Tula Snan Ghat during the month of Tula (Tamil month Aippasi), with deep conviction, complete faith and sincereity and self belief. 

This will get the blessings of their pitrus, which will ave the way for them to perform shanti homas,  parihara poojas and other rituals to remove and eradicate pitru shapas and pitru dioshas. The SUPREME LORD will bless them.

Let the supreme lord’s blessings bring abundant fruits of peace, health, wealth, prosperity, serenity, divinity and spirituality for you and your family.

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